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Guide to buying used cross country ski equipment

Guide to buying used cross country ski equipment

old used skis

If you're in the market for used nordic ski equipment, make sure you know what you are looking for.  The worst thing is spending your well-earned money on equipment that doesn't work for you and you can't return.

Here's what to watch for.  Some of these tips may seem ridiculously obvious but here at the store we've seen it all.

Make sure you're not buying alpine equipment.  

Yes, this can happen.   Alpine equipment is meant for downhill skiing and there is no way you can make this stuff work for you on a cross country trail.

If you don't know the difference between alpine and nordic equipment, ask someone who does to help you purchase your gear.  

Boots need to match the binding system.

Since the old 75mm 3-pin system there have been a lot of binding upgrades, and each one is different.  Your boot has to be designed to fit the binding on your ski, or you won't be able to attach yourself to it.  End of ski story.

nordic ski bindings

There used to be two main types of bindings: the New Nordic Norm (NNN) System, and the Salomon Nordic System (SNS).  NNN boots have two narrow grooves down the sole of the boot and SNS boots only have one, wider, groove. Currently (2023) the NNN system is now universal across manufacturers and SNS is almost completely discontinued. Salomon boots and bindings are now made in the NNN design, as are the other major brands.

Poles should be the correct length.

To size poles correctly, stand straight with shoes or ski boots on, arms hanging naturally.  Measure the pole to the point where the strap comes out of the grip.  This point should come mid-shoulder for classic style (the traditional way of skiing).  Poles for skate style should come between the bottom of your chin and your mouth.

The skis... 

... the most important piece of equipment!  Where do we start?  There are so many different types and qualities of skis it is almost impossible to know what you're getting without prior knowledge.  

fake used cross country ski ad

One of the most common things we see are the wrong size of skis for the user.  It is not as simple as measuring a ski length to the wrist.  Some skis are soft (you can squeeze the bases together easily with your hands) and some are stiffer.  A classic ski that is correctly sized for you will be stiff enough to keep the kick zone off the snow in the glide phase yet be soft enough for you to compress during your kick.  If you get skis too soft for you, you will be working really hard to go anywhere as the skis will be dragging along the snow.  If you get skis too stiff for your weight, you will not be able to control them as you will have no grip on the snow.

sizing used cross country skis

You can get away with a wider range of flexes with skate skis as there is no grip wax/kick zone to worry about.  Keep in mind however skis that are too long or stiff for you will be hard to control and skis that are too short or soft won't glide as well, making skating difficult at best.

For a rough check if skis are sized correctly, do the Paper Test.  Here's how for classic skis:

1. Stand on the bindings of the skis with weight equally distributed.  Slide a piece of paper underneath the skis (they need to be clean for this) until it "bites" at each end of the kick zone.  This zone should reach from approximately your heel to about a binding length in front of your toe, and you can mark it on your skis with a crayon/marker so you know where to apply your kick wax.

doing the ski paper test

2. Stand on one foot now.  Raise up on the ball of this foot as if you are kicking off the snow.  The paper underneath your foot should be stuck or at least very difficult to move.

doing the ski paper test

To do the Paper Test for skate skis, stand with equal weight on both skis.  The paper should slide underneath the middle of the skis.  When standing flat on only one foot, the paper should only slide about 6-8" or so.  You should be able to get the paper to "stick" momentarily if you bounce your weight up and down on the ski, as this simulates applying your kick during the skating action when you want the full length of the ski against the snow for a brief moment.

For kids: the most important factor in sizing children's classic skis is their ability to fully compress the ski with one foot.  Classic skis for kids will often be about their head height or a handspan higher.  Skate skis are usually head or forehead height, but don't go too short - the child should not be able to fully compress the ski.  Kids vary a lot in their height to weight ratio, so don't be too hung up on how long or short the skis are in comparision.

Kids with cross country skis

Check the quality of the skis.

There are a few things to keep in mind when assessing the quality of a pair of skis.  Check the bases.  Some wear here is natural, but if the base material looks thin anywhere or there are some deep gouges, pass on them.  

The type of base is also important as it determines what your glide will be like.  Extruded bases are often plasticy looking and light coloured; these are durable but don't hold wax well so you won't get an easy glide.  Sintered bases hold wax better, making your ski experience a lot more pleasant as you won't be working as hard.  However there are many levels of sintered base qualities and it often doesn't specify on the ski what type it is.

What the core of the ski (the inside layers) is made of determines how the ski reacts, how heavy it is and how durable it is.  Many quality skis are made with wood cores with air channels of some kind, or dense foam.  Fibreglass and carbon layers add stiffness and structure to a ski.  Whatever you do, stay away from the old foam-injected skis.  You can pick these out because they have a little "button" scar on the sidewall where the foam was injected.  These skis lose their camber over time and the core material can break down.

Don't skimp on the kids.

It can be difficult to spend money on kid's equipment when you know they are going to outgrow it in a season.  However we strongly recommend you buy the best you can afford for junior, whether it's new or used.  Why?  A few reasons.  

First, if you want your children to enjoy skiing, they need equipment they will be successful in.  Second, kids' equipment is a hot commodity and your chances of recovering a good portion of your investment is high if you decide to sell. Third: your kids are probably in better shape than you are, who are we kidding ;)

child cross country skiing

Ask yourself: is it worth it?

Keep in mind that a brand new quality recreational ski package for an adult will set you back about $475.  That includes current boots and bindings, skis, and poles.  Plus mounting and waxing included.  This will get you the latest in ski and binding technology and a warm, comfortable boot.  So before you hand over money for used equipment, make sure it's worth it!

The final, and best, tip.

Make friends with local racers.  They don't need much of an excuse to upgrade their equipment and are usually keen to make some of that money back by selling their used - but high quality - gear.  Plus they are usually more than happy to share their extensive knowledge of all things nordic, and you may just find yourself (or your child) a mentor.

Ski racers watching kids cross country ski

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ebsadventure - January 7, 2021

Hi L,
You’re right, those haven’t been around for a long time and we almost never see any of those anymore. Best bet would be to check online platforms for selling used gear (eBay, Kijiji, etc).
-the Eb’s team

Lee - January 7, 2021

I am looking for a used pair of Peltonen “shorty” skate skis that were made in mid to late 1990s -adult skis usually about 120cm or so long any leads would be greatly appreciated



ebsadventure - December 30, 2020

Hi Linda,
Basically you should watch out for everything mentioned in this post. Also be aware that in this pandemic year there is a lot of used equipment with big price tags; just be sure that it is worth it for you. For reference, a new package (skis/boots/bindings and poles) normally costs around $375.
-the Eb’s team

Linda Murphy - December 30, 2020

I’m new to Cross country skies. I’m looking at buying second hand. What should I watch out for.

ebsadventure - June 26, 2020

Hi Marianna,
Hard to say what shape your mom’s skis from the 80’s are in without seeing them. Probably perfectly usable, it’s a matter of performance (the skis may have lost their camber). Otherwise if you clean them up and make sure there are no broken/degraded parts they should work ok.
the Eb’s crew

MArianna - June 26, 2020

What a great read! Thank you.
I’m trying to discover if my mom’s cross country skis from the 80’s are still useable. She doesn’t want to let them go, but also hasn’t used them in decades. Thank you.

ebsadventure - January 15, 2020

Hi Glen,
You never know, there might be someone out there interested in your knickers and socks. The only way to find out would be to post your items on eBay or Kijiji or similar selling platform. You can offer them for free.
Good luck! – the Eb’s crew

Glen - January 15, 2020

I did a good bit of nordic skiing in the 80’s. Still have some of the clothing, but I have long since outgrown it. It has been stored in a plastic container with mothballs since I stopped skiing (about the same time my wife broke her leg…hmmm…).

I would like to find a good home for a very nice pair of Woolrich heavy knickers (roughly 36" waist) and two pair of 10-13 wool knee socks. Do you have any suggestions? I realize this is an old style, but perhaps someone is interested in old styles?

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